Price of success

To whom it may help,

I know you are out there. Wanting, waiting, crying out to reach for your piece of cake. I know you are. I was there too. Maybe I'm still here. Maybe we are looking for the same cake.

See, six years ago, I made my first step towards success. Jesus, I can't believe it was six years ago already. It feels like it was more than that...or not yet. But you have heard this before. You know that time is limitless. Non-existant. So whats the point? The move. I planted my idea first, then I made my first step. I made my own promise. I put a real bet in real life.

Not even for a second I doubted myself. Naked, but armoured with drive, passion, courage, I was ready to face any obstacle in my life. I got many scars, but most of them, I let them happen. See, you learn, and they remain there as a reminder.

Whatever you intend to do, don't be afraid. Go all the way. Its a beautiful thing when a preparation meets oportunity. And I met mine.

Six years later, I paid my price to be where I am. I changed my skin many times that I can no longer remember the feeling being me six years ago.
But thats okay, everyone has a path and should not be ignored. Nor should be ignored to live to love and love to live.

Love ya'll,


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